Llarry da Llama

Llarry da Llama

Sunday, August 4, 2013

After the thrill is Gone

Any kind of love without passion
That ain't no kind of lovin' at all, well

Same dances in the same old shoes
You get too careful with the steps you choose
you don't care about winning but you don't want to lose
After the thrill is gone

Yes, we have all been there, after the thrill is gone . . . .

" I describe it as Compatatational suicide, Wanton Domestic Seperationism, Marital Blisslessness and sometimes Extreme Companionshiplessnessism. Maybe, it’s just a big ole helping of “What about Me-ism”. If you are unfamiliar with the fore mentioned terminology. Allow me to explain. I keep a unique and very specialized dictionary next to my bed. I read once that the good Doctor of children’s stories possessed one, so I acquired one too! I’m not sure where or when I apprehended mine. My dictionary contains, alphabetically of course, all the words that never were but really should be. Kind of a long title, but Man is it handy. When I need a word that does not exist, I simply look it up. I have included the definitions below for the words above from the dictionary I keep next to my bed.

Wanton Domestic Seperationism; An awaking and cognizant act of admitting to one’s self, that you may be the only sane person in this relationship. Followed by late night secretive scheming and detailed planning of your escape back to the realm of Reality, Nil Desperandum! (Page 238)

Compatatational suicide; Knowing that you are consciously driving your lover crazy. A willingness to do something that will impale a grave wedge into the very heart of your closeness. Taking one for granted for far too long, followed by an unconscious willingness not to care. (Page 46)

Marital Blisslessness; The absence of marital bliss. That lonely feeling experienced while sleeping next to the love of a lifetime and feeling utterly alone, once again. Usually followed by claiming squatter’s rights to both the remote and the living room couch, all night, every night, forever. Amen. (Page 153)

Extreme Companionshiplessnessism; when the term “together” does not include your significant other. It does include the kids and some family pets. The act of being companionless, even when you hold your life’s partner close to you. Followed very closely by a nervous trip to the local divorce attorney. (Page 71)

Rut-a-tation factor; a rating of just how lonely you are standing next to your significant other. Rut-a-tation is a phenomenon that occurs in relationships sinking from the excess baggage of Taken-for-grantedism, competition, and the awkward realization that you do not really know your lover, anymore, at all. (Page 208)

What about Me-ism; An extremely crippling disease that occurs when you become the center of the known universe and you are continually upset about how others are unable or unwilling to verify this universally known fact to you, each and every day! Oh and everybody else’s problems are just that. Their problems, you need to talk about yours, now! (Page 257)"

But now I know better. The thrill of loving someone is a constant in my life and that has made all the difference in the world and in me.

"After the Thrill Is Gone" as written by Don Henley, Glenn Lewis Frey
Quoted text from Universe of Two, Book one, DA Keene

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