Llarry da Llama

Llarry da Llama

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dreams, madness in a logical fashion.

Visions of what our lives are meant to be. A calling from the playful side of our minds, cloaked in unfamiliar colors and written in a unspoken language. Dreams for short.

I love the study of dreams, maybe it is the imaginative side of our minds that fascinates me so.

All dreams are a cinematic production of one's own mind, written and cast by the same. Each line, scene and plot is of our own hand. We dream as our logical mind sleeps and washes itself of the toxins, both physical and mental. When righty has his shot at center stage he waste no time in bringing to you the best he has to offer. Our right side, imaginative mind, speaks in metaphors of our own creation. Funny, people ask me what this means and why they dream of that. I tell them that they wrote the screenplay, it is all parts and pieces of their lives both lived and imagined. The light comes on when they start to think about their dreams in context with their lives today. What is unsettled in your mind today will be in your dreams tonight. Lefty can not deal with fantasy, no not at all. Lefty deals with logic broken down to its simplest form. One piece at a time, in a logical order of course. Righty, well . . . . . there are no rules, no social standards and no box to limit his production process. He gives us a wild and creative screenplay and laughs as we try to decipher the madness in a logical fashion.

If you think of the meaning of the word BLUE, what comes to your mind? The sky, the Levi's you are wearing, a friends eyes, the ocean ? Each of us has a dictionary in our minds and a self defined definition for every word we know, cognizantly or not. That kind of puts the word "reality" in double jeopardy don't you think? No two people hold the same meaning for one word. It is a wonder we can communicate at all.

And yes, I made up the word cognizantly. But then you can define it any way you like!

Pleasant dreams my friends

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