Llarry da Llama

Llarry da Llama

Sunday, May 19, 2013

“You are what you is”

Studies have shown and science suggests that happiness is an emotion displayed to promote social bonding and acceptance. There is a lot we don’t know about this emotion. But, I want to talk about why people are happy and why some people are just plain painfully unhappy, a lot, all the time, eternally. So, what makes you happy? Most people believe that money makes them happy. Nix Nine! Money only helps us to deal with life’s little problems that make us less happy. Happiness comes from being okay with yourself and others. If you’re not stressed out all the time worrying then you can focus on the treasures of and in your life. People tell me that I am a happy guy. I wasn't always a happy guy. I used to think about all my problems all the time. I used to waste an awful amount of time worrying about what could happen. One day it occurred to me that all my worrying never changed one single outcome. I just wasted time, time I could have been pursuing my personal pursuit of happiness. So I just decided to be happy. Happy I was alive. Happy I had survived my life so far. Happy I could walk, talk and still dress myself. Happy I wasn't unhappy anymore. Happy somebody loved me for me.

The folks who actually study happiness have found that happy people are really different; different in the way they view life’s little annoying problems. They never beat themselves up for something they were responsible for or not. They reward themselves for even the tiniest accomplishment. They tend to see themselves as a happy person. They don’t worry about things they have no control over. Oh, they still fret over the everyday problems but they refuse to allow themselves to become stressed out over them. If one were to focus upon a upcoming deadline, knowing the outcome could alter their life either positively or negatively well . . . . worrying won’t change the outcome. Worrying about things actually makes it worse. You pile up the mounds of guilt, stress and uncertainty upon yourself and for what? It will be what it’s gonna be. Remember, . . . .

“You are what you is”
 Frank Zappa

If you is happy, then you are happy. And isn't it funny that when you are with others who just happen to be happy . . . . you become happy too! Happiness is contagious.  Unhappiness is terminal.  Surrounding oneself with folks who have the “Eeyore” virus, leads a soul to the alter of eternal Blisslessness!  You know them folks they all live in the southeast corner of Christopher Robbins’s hundred acre woods in "Eeyore's Gloomy Place” the place that’s “Rather Boggy and Sad". 
“They haven't got Brains, any of them, only grey fluff that's blown into their heads by mistake, and they don't Think.”  Eeyore
Yes, Happiness is a state of mind. Next time you feel that Eeyore virus coming on . . . . Slap yourself and simply state"You are what you is". Then laugh it off and get to being happy.

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