Llarry da Llama

Llarry da Llama

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A place in the world

There is a place in the world for each of us . . . . our lives, our time and our purpose was conceived long before we ever were. 

Who you are and what your purpose is has been in your heart all this time. What you dream of every night and all the thoughts you carry with you each day are your purpose. Like a tiny seed that longs to grow into a tall oak tree, your purpose waits inside your heart. Yes, everyone will offer you advice, guidance and theories on your purpose. They mean well but only you know why you are here

It takes faith to follow your dreams and courage to announce that you are going to be , well . . . . . you. 

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
Oscar Wilde

I tried to be all the people others wanted me to be. Now, I am just me.

"Once upon a time, I was standing lost and alone, in the dark woods of my life. I watched the snowflakes fall, softly towards the ground, only to melt away. . . . . just like the years of my life." 
Bert Anderson

But, that was a long time ago. Today, I stand in the light of a new day, hand in hand with my bestest, good friend. Because, dreams really do come true.

 I owe my bestest good friend a debt that I can never repay, for she has given me my “voice” and has guided me to where I was always supposed to be. Sitting on a yellow mushroom with red polka dots by a winding creek, under those magnificent tall, Oak Trees surrounded by soft, green grass . . . .  Telling tall tales and short lies to three tiny, epic, blue birds. I now know that my purpose is to tell stories all about how dreams come true. 

Once I was a paratrooper,a restaurant owner,a radio sales guy and a fool. Now I write and illustrate picture books for children all about "The Rabbit in the Moon"

As "Pops" Armstrong sang . . .  "Yes, I say to myself. What a wonderful world"

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