Llarry da Llama

Llarry da Llama

Friday, May 16, 2014

Center of the Universe . . . . No, it's not you

Do you have friends who only call you when something is wrong or they need you to do something for them? You love them dearly but they seem to be very busy when you need them! Kinda like a one way street.

I'm not sure why they do those things but I have a theoryMaybe, it’s just a big ole helping of “What about Me-ism”. If you are unfamiliar with the fore mentioned terminology. Allow me to explain. I keep a unique and very specialized dictionary next to my bed. I read once that the good Doctor of children’s stories possessed one, so I acquired one too! I’m not sure where or when I apprehended mine. My dictionary contains, alphabetically of course, all the words that never were but really should be. Kind of a long title, but Man is it handy. When I need a word that does not exist, I simply look it up. I have included the definition below for the words above from the dictionary I keep next to my bed.

What about Me-ism; An extremely crippling disease that occurs when you become the center of the known universe and you are continually upset about how others are unable or unwilling to verify this universally known fact to you, each and every day! Oh and everybody else’s problems are just that. Their problems, you need to talk about yours, now! (Page 257)

Bernard Baily hit the proverbial nail on the head with his comment about the center of the universe.

“When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it.” 

~Bernard Bailey

I love those folks! I just hope that they are not too disappointed about that discovery thing.

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