Llarry da Llama

Llarry da Llama

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I was just thinking . . . . .

Hummmmmmmmm . . . . . . 
Like the chimp above, I was just thinking. Hummmmmmm . . . . . .  It is hard to imagine somethings that we taught to be the truth. The theory of evolution and the belief of religions come to mind. Seems to me that we need both to complete the picture of our lives. Facts, figures, paradigms and the sort for our logical being and faith, hope and love for our human being.

Or maybe not.

As a young man I was taught how to do everything, the right way. If I did it the wrong way . . . well, I was sure to spend an eternity in Damnation. Kinda scary for a wee one who wants to live to see his fifth birthday! I thought to myself, I better get my act together and fly right. So I did. For fifty years, Then one day I got tired of flying "right" and landed in a field of dreams. There was no ticket booth selling tickets to Damnation, no devils and certainly no fire and brimstone. Where did it all go?

I am a big boy now and I can teach myself. As for the one-way ticket I had purchased long ago? Well, there is a forgiveness policy and I just traded my ticket in for one to the fields of dreams. No rules, no devils and no problems. In this field of dreams I can be anything and go anywhere. I just simply have to close mine eyes and believe, believe that if something is not,      well, . . . . . If I can imagine it, It can be ! Amen.

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